
Do you ignore your candidates?

Posted by Victoria Williams 

The feeling of being ignored or mistreated during the application process can produce lasting resentment in candidates who may otherwise have held your organization in high regard even after a rejection. With the advent of social media, these experiences are not only unpleasant for the applicant but can potentially harm your company’s reputation. Have you heard that before?

It's a fact that no one likes to be ignored. So why is it that as businesses fight for talent, they still ignore the need for a better recruitment process.


In Recruitment - What You See Is All There Is?

Posted by Selvin Singh   

WYSIATI, or “What You See Is All There Is” was coined by Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist and winner of the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize, to refer to one of the human biases to which we are all susceptible. He describes how human decision-making is not entirely based on rational thought, even though we believe all of our decisions are judged carefully. Kahneman found the opposite to be true, that we rely on automatic reactions (System 1 thinking) rather than deliberative thought (System 2) and that we go mainly off rules of thumb that are hard-wired into our brains. This is very useful when it comes to activities like driving, to deal with the onslaught of information especially in the case of an emergency.


The Virtual World of the Candidate CV and hiring process

Posted by Sharon Ballantyne Davies

As we all know, the way in which candidates are applying  to our job advertisements is changing. As the regular written CV has been replaced by the online application form, make way for the use of video CV’s. But it isn't just the candidate market that is using this technology. As recruiters, virtual interviewing will become part of our future hiring process and has already proven for the US market to be a time and cost efficient way of recruiting.


A Blended Model of Recruitment Outsourcing

Posted by Sharon Ballantyne Davies

If you think RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) means “you handle this, see ya’ later,” you couldn't be further from the truth.  As our markets change, our needs become bigger, we need services that are faster, quicker, more cost effective and proven to maintain good results.  

The future of recruitment will see RPO becoming an essential working recruitment model that will help to define better talent acquisition and retention processes. Any organisation that fails to take heed of this solution will find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates.